About Us
Chuck founded Newman Architecture in 1982 with a creative philosophy that puts people at the forefront of its services. Since the beginning, he has led a professional team committed to developing visually exciting spaces and structures that are also engaging and resourceful for end users.
At its onset, the company employed a full-time, in-house, interior design team. Chuck’s goal was to create buildings that were evocative and functional…inside and out. By incorporating interior design into their basic services, the project team is truly creating a holistic, unified environment.
In building on its commitment to inventive design and personalized service, the firm has grown into a full partnership that now includes Charles Newman, AIA, REFP; Dawn Newman, IIDA, LEED AP; and Matthew Hichens, AIA. Behind the strength of their specialized skills and experience, and along with the contributions of its full staff and business partners, Newman Architecture continues to enhance the scope of its services which adds to the excitement and efficiency of its designs.

Our Mission
In an atmosphere that thrives on creativity, collaboration, and dedication to community, we design environments that inspire and unite. We shape spaces and structures that help people relate and interact, learn and grow, achieve and succeed.
We build relationships among colleagues and clients to deliver solutions designed for the human element.